وفد من مركز الفجيرة للإحصاء يزور "مركز عجمان للاحصاء والتنافسية "


General News

استقبلت الدكتورة ياسمين جودي المستشار الإحصائي الفني بالمركز وفريق العمل من موظفي المركز وفد من مركز الفجيرة للإحصاء برئاسة الدكتور إبراهيم سعد مدير عام مركز الفجيرة للإحصاء وعدداً من موظفي المركز، و جاءت الزيارة بهدف عرض تجربة مركز الإحصاء والتنافسية بعجمان في تنفيذ مشروع "التعداد السجلي " والذي يعتبر من المشاريع الإحصائية ذا الأولوية والتي نفذها مركز عجمان للإحصاء والتنافسية بالتعاون والتنسيق مع الجهات الحكومية المعنية من أجل دعم وتوفير إحصاءات منسقة ذات جودة عالية ، وذلك ضمن إطار التعاون المشترك بين الجهات الحكومية للتعرف على أفضل ممارسات المركز والتقنيات الحديثة المستخدمة في مجال البيانات والاحصاء، للارتقاء بتنافسية الدولة العالمية، وتطوير المنظومة الإحصائية والاستفادة من أهم التجارب والممارسات الناجحة، إضافة إلى تعزيز أواصر التعاون والتنسيق بين الجهات الحكومية في الدولة

وأوضحت التحديات التي واجهت فريق العمل في تطبيق مشروع التعداد السجلي والتي كان ابرزها جمع البيانات من الأسر وتخوفهم من ادخال البيانات بالنظام ، إذ تم تكثيف الحملة الإعلامية من خلال تشجيع الاسر وحثها على الدخول للنظام وإدخال بياناتها ، كذلك تم خلق بيئة تنافسية وتشجعية للاسر من خلال تخصيص مكافآت عينيه للأسر التي استكملت تعبئة جميع البيانات في الاستمارة المخصصة كما أكدت على أن كل البيانات تحظى بالسرية التامة"

من جانبه أشاد دكتور إبراهيم سعد مدير عام مركز الفجيرة للإحصاء بالجهود المبذولة في تطبيق مشروع "التعداد السجلي" ومعبرا عن فرحه وسعادته بهذه الزيارة من اجل التعرف على التجربة الرائعة التي نفذها مركز عجمان للإحصاء والتنافسية والتي تعتبر واحدة من انجح التجارب في تطبيق المشاريع الإحصائية وشكر فريق العمل على ما لمسه من الجهد المبذول وتفانيهم ومساهمتهم الفعالة من أجل انجاز وانجاح هذا العمل الرائع وسوف نستعين بالطريقة التي اتبعها المركز والاستفادة من التجارب و الدروس المستفادة والتحديات وكيفية مواجهتها، إذ نحرص على تعزيز أواصر التعاون وتكاتف جميع الجهود وتبادل الخبرات بين المراكز الإحصائية للنهوض بالمستوى الاحصائي على مستوى الدولة

Ajman Statistics Center conducts a Training Course to Enhance Field Researchers' Skills for the 2024 Annual Economic Survey

Ajman Statistics Center (ASC) conducted a specialized training course aiming at enhancing and upgrading skills of field researchers participating in the 2024 Annual Economic Survey for the Emirate of Ajman. The course aims to develop participants' skills in collecting and analyzing statistical data using the latest methods and techniques, ensuring the highest standards of accuracy, quality, and comprehensiveness in the outcomes. The training course, held at the City University of Ajman, covered several key topics, including clarifying the objectives of the Annual Economic Survey and the mechanisms for distribution of the economic establishments across various sectors and activities. It also focused on training researchers on how to determine production values from both primary and secondary activities of the establishments, which enhances their ability to provide accurate and comprehensive data. In this context, Dr. Hajar Saeed Al Hubaishi, Director General of Ajman Statistics Center, stated that this course is essential and crucial for ensuring the success of the 2024 Annual Economic Survey. Through this course, we aim to empower our team to use the latest methods and technologies in collecting statistical data, thereby ensuring the provision of accurate and reliable information that contributes to the development of economic plans and strategies for the Emirate of Ajman. The Annual Survey of the Economic Establishments is one of the key statistical projects implemented by Ajman Statistics Center. It aims to provide up-to-date economic data in accordance with the approved international standards, thereby enhancing the understanding and analysis of the economic situation in the emirate. The project focuses on covering all the major characteristics of the economic establishments in the emirate, including their number , locations, and their distribution across different economic activities, as well as identifying their legal forms, ownership, capital, number of employees, and their benefits. Additionally, the project seeks to provide detailed data on the production and expenses of the economic establishments, covering all the economic activities and sectors, such as manufacturing industries, wholesale and retail trade, construction, transportation, financial and insurance sectors, in addition to the services sector. Ultimately, the project seeks to present a comprehensive picture of the manpower levels, production values, added value, and capital formation in each sector. This project reflects commitment of Ajman Statistics Center to upgrading capabilities of the field survey workers and developing the economic data system, contributing to supporting the economic decision-making processes and achieving sustainable development in the Emirate of Ajman.

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Hamid bin Rashid issues a decree and an emirate decision regarding the Ajman Statistics Center and appoints a general manager for it

His Highness Sheikh Hamid bin Rashid Al-Naeemi, Member of the Supreme Council Governor of Ajman issued an amendment to the Amiri Decree No. (8) of 2022 concerning the Ajman Statistics Center, and his Highness issued the decision of the Ameriya to appoint the General Director of the Ajman Statistical Center. And the text of American Decree No. (7) of 2024 amending American Decree No (8) of 2022 concerning the Ajman Statistical Center: The so-called "Executive Director" shall be replaced by "Manager General" in American Decree No. (8) of 2022, and in any legislation. As a text should be replaced by the text of Article (6) of Principal Decree No. (8) 2022 the following text: "The Center shall have a general manager appointed by the decision of the Amiri issued by the Governor, and a sufficient number of technical and administrative staff shall be deployed and organized all their work affairs in accordance with the human resources laws in force in the Government of the Emirate." The decree annulled any text written in any other legislation that contradicts the provisions of this decree, that this decree should be made from the date of its publication, and published in the official newspaper. His Highness Sheikh Hamid bin Rashid Al-Naeemi issued Amiri Decision No. (10) for the year 2024 appointing Dr. Hajar Saeed Hamid Hamid Al-Habishi as General Director of Ajman Statistics Center, this decision is taken from the date of its issuance, and published in the official newspaper.

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"Ajman's GDP Rises to Dh36 Billion 2023".

Preliminary estimates of Ajman’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the year 2023, issued by the Ajman Statistics Center, reveal the emirate’s robust economic performance and positive growth rates. The emirate achieved a GDP at current prices exceeding 36 billion UAE dirhams, compared to 33.9 billion dirhams in the previous year, reflecting a growth rate of 6.25%. At constant prices, the GDP reached approximately 32 billion dirhams, compared to 30.5 billion dirhams in 2022, with a growth rate of 4.7%. This performance reflects the wisdom of the economic policies adopted by the emirate and confirms the strength and stability of its economy.

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