In Celebration of the World Statistics Day, Ajman Statistics & Competitiveness Center Launches a Number of Initiatives


General News

Ajman Statistics & Competitiveness Center celebrates the World Statistics Days on the 20th  day of this October under the theme of “Linking the Globe Through Reliable Data”, which highlights the significance of reliability, reliable data and innovation in the statistical systems of the UAE .


Ajman Emirate celebrates the World Statistics Day, which is commemorated by the General Assembly of the United Nation on the 20th day of October every five years, in recognition of the role assumed by the official statistics in the collection, analysis and dissemination of the economic, social, environmental and demographic data to benefit the decision makers and researchers, through getting a deeper understating of the present and setting optimal planning of the future. 


Dr. Hajar Alhubaishi, the executive director of Ajman Statistics & Competitiveness Center, said “ Official statistics assume a growing role in our society. Reliable, high quality statistical data have become accessible and available to cover all local and federal levels. These data are used to formulate policies and make decisions. In addition, the statistical systems supporting the collection and dissemination of the official data have witnessed a significant development. The matter that has had a positive impact on the quality of the collected data and has contributed to the facilitation and development of the processes of undertaking population censuses and surveys of the standard of living of the local families, evaluation of projects, establishing administrative data systems, measurements of gross domestic product and prices, statistics of births and deaths and other activities”.


Alhubaishi pointed out that the results of the evaluation of the “Statistical Maturity Index” of the government and independent bodies in Ajman Emirate, which was carried out by Ajman Statistics & Competitiveness Center in implementation of the directions of His Highness Sheikh Ammar bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, th Crown Prince of Ajman and  the chairman of the Executive Council, in respect of adopting the fifth package of the indexes and strategic objectives of Ajman Vision 2021, will be declared during the events and activities of that day.


She added that a number of initiatives will be launched. The first one shall be “The Academic Lens for Statistics”, which shall  be launched through cooperation with a leading university in the UAE or the Emirate, in order to promote the studies and researches related to the social, economic and environmental topics aiming to serve the society, in order to upgrade the level of the researches addressing the topic of serving the society of Ajman Emirate. 


She explained that the second initiative is the application of the machine learning through building the preferred data. This is an artificial intelligence unit that will indentify the behavior and concerns of the users of the smart applications data. The third initiative shall be a “road map” that aims to undertake a number of statistical surveys, which are required by Ajman Emirate during the next five years. 


She continued by saying “The fourth initiative shall be the study of the future job skills, through which a study shall be conducted in cooperation with the universities and higher education institutions on aligning the education outcomes with the labor market. The fifth initiative shall be the “Statistical Calendar”, through which a monthly calendar will be set for the events organized by the Center. This calendar shall include the dates of the provision of the statistical data to the public and to the society in general”.


She pointed out that the sixth initiative shall be the “Population Clock of Ajman Emirate”, which will display the population number of the Emirate around the clock. The seventh initiative is the “Media Echo” that is dedicated to journalists and media men who are concerned with covering the statistics-related press news. This initiative aims to raise their efficiency through conducting a number of statistical training courses to qualify them to draft such type of press news with high quality.


The eighth initiative is about recognizing the researcher via the mobile phone application, where the Center incorporated the feature of verification of the researcher into the mobile phone application, through which the user can focus the camera of the application on the QR code on the researcher’s ID. Card, in order to recognize him and verify his photo, name and status, in terms of whether he is allowed to work at that time or not. The application also provides the result of the last periodic test to make sure that the researcher is not infected with Corona virus, as well as the projects in which the researcher is allowed to work and the permitted period of field work for each project.


This application aims to raise the trust of Ajman Emirate’s society, whether the families or the companies, in the field staff visiting them, through making sure of their identity and not allowing others to impersonate the staff of Ajman Statistics & Competitiveness Center.


Moreover, the methodology and evidence portal has been lunched on the Center’s website, which is accessible to all members of the society, in order to promote and standardize the use of the approved global and local standards and classifications, raise the statistical awareness in the society and ensure the consistency of data obtained from different sources. At present, the portal includes more than ten evidences, and it shall be updated and developed consistently to serve as a reference for all users.


Alhubaishi also stated that as a part of the events of the celebration of this occasion that is dear to the hearts of the statisticians; an open science day shall be organized to highlight the significance and the areas of statistics, through posing several questions to the staff and the audience to raise the statistical awareness in Ajman Emirate. 

"Ajman's GDP Rises to Dh36 Billion 2023".

Preliminary estimates of Ajman’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the year 2023, issued by the Ajman Statistics Center, reveal the emirate’s robust economic performance and positive growth rates. The emirate achieved a GDP at current prices exceeding 36 billion UAE dirhams, compared to 33.9 billion dirhams in the previous year, reflecting a growth rate of 6.25%. At constant prices, the GDP reached approximately 32 billion dirhams, compared to 30.5 billion dirhams in 2022, with a growth rate of 4.7%. This performance reflects the wisdom of the economic policies adopted by the emirate and confirms the strength and stability of its economy.

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Ajman Police Visits Ajman Statistics Center to Enhance Mutual Cooperation

As part of the mutual cooperation to enhance security efforts and to have maximum benefit of the accurate and reliable statistical data, Ajman Statistics Center welcomed a prominent delegation from Ajman Police General Head Quarters.

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Ajman Government Officials: Committed to the Principles and Directives of Vision 2030 to Enhance the Emirate's Renaissance

Dr. Hajar Saeed Al Hubaishi, the Executive Director of Ajman Statistics Center (ASC) , stressed that "Ajman Vision 2030" envisions the future of the emirate with ambitions that exceed the expectations, aiming to achieve a leading position globally in governance and administration fields. She emphasized the commitment to embody the highest standards and practices at the government, societal, and individual levels. This trend not only seeks to achieve social and economic progress but also aligns with the strategic goals of the United Arab Emirates and the Vision 2071 of the UAE. She added, "In our pursuit of embodying this ambitious vision, the role of the ASC emerges as a cornerstone in supporting the march of development and innovation in the emirate, by providing accurate and high-quality statistical data. We are committed to laying solid foundations for strategic planning and making informed decisions, contributing to solidifying the sustainable economic and social development." She further stated, "Through our collaboration with strategic partners, we aim to achieve this vision by applying innovative methodologies and pioneering initiatives, keeping pace with the rapid global changes and the requirements of this era ".

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