Ammar Al Nuaimi: Ajman Makes Better Achievements in a number of the Global Competitiveness Indices


General News

H. H. Sheikh Ammar bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman, Chairman of the Executive Council, commended the achievements made by Ajman Emirate in a number of the pillars of the global competitiveness indices, such as security, social capital, bylaws and regulations, protection of property rights and public sector performance, as well as infrastructure, goods market, education and training,……etc.


This came as H. H. reviewing the presentation of an analytical study prepared by Ajman Statistics and Competitiveness Center on the competitiveness of Ajman Emirate, which was presented by Dr. Eng. Saeed Saif Al Mattrooshi, the Secretary General of the Executive Council and  Dr. Hajar Al Al Hubaishi, the Executive Director of Ajman Statistics and Competitiveness Center.


H. H. Sheikh Ammar called on all the concerned parties to realize  more achievements with regard to a number of the global competiveness indices, in order to contribute to the promotion of the life quality and welfare of the community and to upgrade the standard of the government services provided in the Emirate.


H. H. also said that this success evidences that Ajman Emirate seeks to provide accurate data through studies and opinion polls  conducted from time to time. He also paid tribute to the task forces of Ajman Statistics and Competitiveness Center and all government bodies for the efforts they exert to study and analyze these indices and make recommendations in that regard.


The study of the report on the global competitiveness indices indicated that Ajman ranked 18th in the topic of institutions, which evaluates security, social capital, corporate trust, bylaws and regulations, property rights protection, public sector performance,  future  prospective of the government and the corporate governance.


In the infrastructure topic  that evaluates the road connectivity and quality, the connectivity of maritime shipping and the efficiency of port services, Ajman Emirate ranked the16th.


In skills topic that evaluates the level of education and training provided to the staff, the skills required for occupying jobs and the investments in training, Ajman Emirate ranked the 39th . In the topic of goods market that evaluates the availability of the factors affecting the production market, such as availability of the professional services, after-sale services, telecommunication network services and transportation, Ajman Emirate ranked  the 12th . In the topic of business dynamics that evaluates the organizational framework, the ability of the companies to organize and set-up businesses through adopting the culture of change, risks and business models that allows the companies to get in/out of the market smoothly, Ajman Emirate ranked the 21st.


The study also indicates that the Emirate's performance was better than several high-income economies worldwide and was also higher than the average of the GCC countries.


For measuring the competitiveness of Ajman Emirate, the analytical study relied on an electronic opinion poll for the business sector, which was carried out during the period from the middle of May and the middle of August 2020. The questionnaire included around 90 questions that aimed at providing several competitiveness indicators on Ajman Emirate in consistence with the opinion poll undertaken by the World Economic Forum, after adapting the same to suit the local reality of the Emirate to highlight its competitiveness.     


To complete the indices provided by the opinion poll on Ajman Emirate's competitiveness, Ajman Statistics and Competitiveness Center provided several competitiveness indices based on the databases it has and the data collected from the sources of the official records. 


At the conclusion of the presentation, H. H. Sheikh Ammar said that this analytical study of statistics and competitiveness on Ajman Emirate's competitiveness at the global level reflects the strategic thinking of the leadership with regard to evaluating the institutions, in terms of security, social capital,  corporate trust, bylaws and regulations, property rights protection, the public sector performance and the compliance with the logistic services index issued by the World Bank, with the aim of provision of several competitiveness indices on Ajman Emirate with due consideration to the local situation of the Emirate, highlighting Ajman's competitiveness to develop the services in Ajman Emirate and making proper decisions in the context of the development process and setting the public policies and cultural upgrade plans in Ajman Emirate.


H. H. Sheikh Ammar appreciated the importance of establishing of such studies and indices and their continuous implementation on the ground, in order to provide comprehensive and accurate database that helps in setting plans and sustainable programs, which would contribute to achieving the desired development and to driving the integrated development processes in Ajman Emirate. This would also contribute to acquiring many gains, including building strong relationships with the global statistical institutions for the success of the entire of the national projects.

"Ajman's GDP Rises to Dh36 Billion 2023".

Preliminary estimates of Ajman’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the year 2023, issued by the Ajman Statistics Center, reveal the emirate’s robust economic performance and positive growth rates. The emirate achieved a GDP at current prices exceeding 36 billion UAE dirhams, compared to 33.9 billion dirhams in the previous year, reflecting a growth rate of 6.25%. At constant prices, the GDP reached approximately 32 billion dirhams, compared to 30.5 billion dirhams in 2022, with a growth rate of 4.7%. This performance reflects the wisdom of the economic policies adopted by the emirate and confirms the strength and stability of its economy.

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Ajman Police Visits Ajman Statistics Center to Enhance Mutual Cooperation

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Ajman Government Officials: Committed to the Principles and Directives of Vision 2030 to Enhance the Emirate's Renaissance

Dr. Hajar Saeed Al Hubaishi, the Executive Director of Ajman Statistics Center (ASC) , stressed that "Ajman Vision 2030" envisions the future of the emirate with ambitions that exceed the expectations, aiming to achieve a leading position globally in governance and administration fields. She emphasized the commitment to embody the highest standards and practices at the government, societal, and individual levels. This trend not only seeks to achieve social and economic progress but also aligns with the strategic goals of the United Arab Emirates and the Vision 2071 of the UAE. She added, "In our pursuit of embodying this ambitious vision, the role of the ASC emerges as a cornerstone in supporting the march of development and innovation in the emirate, by providing accurate and high-quality statistical data. We are committed to laying solid foundations for strategic planning and making informed decisions, contributing to solidifying the sustainable economic and social development." She further stated, "Through our collaboration with strategic partners, we aim to achieve this vision by applying innovative methodologies and pioneering initiatives, keeping pace with the rapid global changes and the requirements of this era ".

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