"إحصاء عجمان" يعرض أفضل ممارساته على "إحصاء الفجيرة"


General News

مركز عجمان للإحصاء يجتمع مع مركز الفجيرة للإحصاء، ويعرض أفضل ممارساته فــي مجــــال التعداد السكاني، والطرق التكنولوجية المستخدمة في التعداد، بالإضافة إلى تعريفه على أبرز الإنجازات والمبادرات التي حققها المركز، وذلك خلال الاجتماع الافتراضي الذي جمع مسؤولي الجهتين.

رحبت الدكتورة ياسمين جودي، المستشار الإحصائي الفنّي بالمركز، وعدد من موظفي المركز، بوفد إحصاء الفجيرة، وأكدت على أهمية التعاون المشترك، وتبادل الخبرات والتجارب بين الجهتين في المجال الإحصائي، لتعزيز جودة العمل بما يعود بالنفع على الأفراد والمجتمعات كافة.

وأوضحت الدكتورة ياسمين جودي، أن هذا الاجتماع يمثل خطوة مهمة ضمن جهود المركز لتوثيق علاقات التعاون الإحصائي، ويترجم سعي المركز لتعزيز أوجه التعاون المتبادل مع كافة الجهات والمؤسسات والدوائر الحكومية، من خلال استخدام أفضل التقنيات الحديثة في مجال البيانات والإحصاء، للمساهمة في تطوير المنظومة الإحصائية، وفق أفضل المعايير العالمية.

وتعرف الوفد خلال الاجتماع على العديد من سياسات وأنظمة مركـــز عجمـــان للإحصـــاء، التي يطبقها فــي مجــــال التعداد السكاني، شملت المنهجية التي يتبعها المركز في التعداد، والآليات والأنظمة المستخدمة في إعداد واستخراج وتحليل البيانات، وشرح البيانات التي تتضمنها استمارة التعداد، بالإضافة إلى استخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات في جميع مراحل تخطيط وتنفيذ وتجهيز نتائج التعداد.

واطلع الوفد أيضاً على نظام التعداد اللوحي الذي يعمل على أتمتة الإجراءات المتعلقة بعملية جمع البيانات الخاصة بالمباني والمساكن والأسر والأفراد والمجتمع الرقمي عن طريق استخدام الأجهزة اللوحية من خلال عرض مناطق العمل المسندة لكل باحث على شكل قطع من الأراضي والمباني يتم عرضها بأيقونات مختلفة تعبر كل واحدة منها عن حالة المبنى، وعلى نظام إدارة العمل الميداني الذي يعمل على إدارة ومتابعة ومراقبة كافة الأنشطة والأعمال المتعلقة بجمع البيانات، وعلى نظام العد الذاتي الذي يمكن أفراد المجتمع من استيفاء البيانات المطلوبة عبر الموقع الإلكتروني للتعداد مباشرة دون الحاجة لزيارة الأسرة من قبل الباحث، بالإضافة إلى نظام مركز الاتصال الذي يعمل على استكمال وتصحيح بيانات مرحلة العد، والتأكد من دقة البيانات التي وصلت لقاعدة البيانات المركزية.

وفي ختام الاجتماع، تقدمت الدكتورة ياسمين جودي، بالشكر والعرفان للوفد الزائر، وأكدت على أهمية استمرار التواصل والتعاون المثمر بين المركزين لتطوير الأداء والارتقاء بالعمل الإحصائي، وتعزيز أواصر التعاون وتكاتف جميع الجهود وتبادل الخبرات بين المراكز الإحصائية للنهوض بالمستوى الإحصائي على مستوى الدولة.

ومن جانبه أشاد وفد مركز الفجيرة للإحصاء بالجهود المبذولة في تطبيق مشروع "التعداد السكاني"، معبراً عن فرحه وسعادته بهذا الاجتماع، وتعرفه على التجربة الرائعة التي نفذها مركز عجمان للإحصاء، والتي تعتبر واحدة من أنجح التجارب في تطبيق المشاريع الإحصائية، وشكر فريق العمل على ما لمسه من الجهد المبذول وتفانيهم ومساهمتهم الفعالة من أجل إنجاز وإنجاح هذا العمل الرائع، على أن تتم الاستعانة بالطرق التي اتبعها المركز والاستفادة من التجارب والدروس والتحديات وكيفية مواجهتها.

97.1% Community Satisfaction in Ajman with Public Services and Infrastructure

The Ajman Statistics Center announced the results of the “Ajman Emirate Attractiveness Index for 2023,” which showed an increase in the general satisfaction rate of the community with public services and infrastructure in the emirate from 94.3% in 2022 to 97.1% in 2023. The results reflect the scale of efforts made by the emirate’s government in accordance with the wise directives of H.H. Sheikh Humaid bin Rashid Al Nuaimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Ajman, and the follow-up of H.H. Sheikh Ammar bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman and Chairman of Ajman Executive Council, to improve transportation networks, provide advanced educational and health services, and enhance infrastructure, in line with the continuous population and economic growth, contributing to enhancing the emirate’s attractiveness as a preferred destination for living and working. The community satisfaction studies in the Emirate of Ajman included analyzing responses from a sample of families residing in the emirate, both citizens and non-citizens, and provided updated information on the opinions of families and individuals at the local level in various areas related to public services and infrastructure. The studies aimed to highlight levels of community satisfaction and provide an in-depth analysis that enables decision-makers to identify priority areas for improvement from the community’s perspective, in addition to supporting the evaluation of the effectiveness of policies and plans in achieving their goals to meet the needs and expectations of the population. H.E. Dr. Hajar Saeed Al Hubaishi, Director General of Ajman Statistics Center, said that the results reflect Ajman government’s commitment to providing high-quality services that meet the needs and expectations of the community. She added: “The notable improvement in overall satisfaction rates is clear evidence of ongoing efforts to develop infrastructure and improve the quality of life in the emirate,” affirming that these results will contribute to supporting decision-makers and guiding future plans to enhance Ajman’s attractiveness as a preferred destination for living and working. She indicated that the center will continue to monitor community opinions to improve and develop services in line with the aspirations and requirements of all segments of society. The results of the Emirate Attractiveness Index for 2023 showed that 98.4% of participants are satisfied with healthcare services, 98.2% are satisfied with education services, 98.1% with public services, 92.1% with telecommunication services, 97.2% with public transportation services, and 98.4% with infrastructure. The results also showed a notable increase in satisfaction levels across several vital sectors. In the healthcare sector overall, the “Tangibles” aspect achieved the highest satisfaction rate at 99.4%, while the “Attention” aspect recorded the lowest at 96.4%. At the government healthcare level, the “Tangibles” aspect also led with 99.1%, while the “Response” aspect recorded a lower rate of 97.4%. In private sector healthcare, the “Tangibles” aspect again achieved a high rate of 99.6%, while the “Attention” aspect recorded the lowest at 95.3%. In the education sector, the “Sense of Security” aspect recorded a satisfaction rate of 99.0%, while the “Quality of Services” aspect received the lowest at 97.3%. In public education, the “Ease of Access” aspect achieved the highest rate at 99.3%, while both “Response” and “Sense of Security” aspects recorded the lowest at 99.1% each. In private education, the “Sense of Security” aspect maintained the lead at 98.9%, while the “Quality of Services” aspect received the lowest at 96.1%. Regarding public services, the “Reliability and Trustworthiness” aspect achieved the highest satisfaction rate at 99.1%, while the “Ease of Access” aspect recorded the lowest at 96.9%. In the telecommunications sector, results varied between the two main companies. The “Reliability and Trustworthiness” aspect in “Etisalat” achieved the highest rate at 94.5%, while the “Ease of Access” aspect in “Du” achieved the highest rate at 90.9%. In the public transportation sector, the “Quality of Services” aspect led with 98.3%, while the “Response” aspect received the lowest at 96.1%. In the infrastructure sector, the “Response” aspect achieved the highest satisfaction rate at 99.0%, while the “Ease of Obtaining” aspect was the lowest at 97.8%.

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Ajman Statistics Center conducts a Training Course to Enhance Field Researchers' Skills for the 2024 Annual Economic Survey

Ajman Statistics Center (ASC) conducted a specialized training course aiming at enhancing and upgrading skills of field researchers participating in the 2024 Annual Economic Survey for the Emirate of Ajman. The course aims to develop participants' skills in collecting and analyzing statistical data using the latest methods and techniques, ensuring the highest standards of accuracy, quality, and comprehensiveness in the outcomes. The training course, held at the City University of Ajman, covered several key topics, including clarifying the objectives of the Annual Economic Survey and the mechanisms for distribution of the economic establishments across various sectors and activities. It also focused on training researchers on how to determine production values from both primary and secondary activities of the establishments, which enhances their ability to provide accurate and comprehensive data. In this context, Dr. Hajar Saeed Al Hubaishi, Director General of Ajman Statistics Center, stated that this course is essential and crucial for ensuring the success of the 2024 Annual Economic Survey. Through this course, we aim to empower our team to use the latest methods and technologies in collecting statistical data, thereby ensuring the provision of accurate and reliable information that contributes to the development of economic plans and strategies for the Emirate of Ajman. The Annual Survey of the Economic Establishments is one of the key statistical projects implemented by Ajman Statistics Center. It aims to provide up-to-date economic data in accordance with the approved international standards, thereby enhancing the understanding and analysis of the economic situation in the emirate. The project focuses on covering all the major characteristics of the economic establishments in the emirate, including their number , locations, and their distribution across different economic activities, as well as identifying their legal forms, ownership, capital, number of employees, and their benefits. Additionally, the project seeks to provide detailed data on the production and expenses of the economic establishments, covering all the economic activities and sectors, such as manufacturing industries, wholesale and retail trade, construction, transportation, financial and insurance sectors, in addition to the services sector. Ultimately, the project seeks to present a comprehensive picture of the manpower levels, production values, added value, and capital formation in each sector. This project reflects commitment of Ajman Statistics Center to upgrading capabilities of the field survey workers and developing the economic data system, contributing to supporting the economic decision-making processes and achieving sustainable development in the Emirate of Ajman.

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Hamid bin Rashid issues a decree and an emirate decision regarding the Ajman Statistics Center and appoints a general manager for it

His Highness Sheikh Hamid bin Rashid Al-Naeemi, Member of the Supreme Council Governor of Ajman issued an amendment to the Amiri Decree No. (8) of 2022 concerning the Ajman Statistics Center, and his Highness issued the decision of the Ameriya to appoint the General Director of the Ajman Statistical Center. And the text of American Decree No. (7) of 2024 amending American Decree No (8) of 2022 concerning the Ajman Statistical Center: The so-called "Executive Director" shall be replaced by "Manager General" in American Decree No. (8) of 2022, and in any legislation. As a text should be replaced by the text of Article (6) of Principal Decree No. (8) 2022 the following text: "The Center shall have a general manager appointed by the decision of the Amiri issued by the Governor, and a sufficient number of technical and administrative staff shall be deployed and organized all their work affairs in accordance with the human resources laws in force in the Government of the Emirate." The decree annulled any text written in any other legislation that contradicts the provisions of this decree, that this decree should be made from the date of its publication, and published in the official newspaper. His Highness Sheikh Hamid bin Rashid Al-Naeemi issued Amiri Decision No. (10) for the year 2024 appointing Dr. Hajar Saeed Hamid Hamid Al-Habishi as General Director of Ajman Statistics Center, this decision is taken from the date of its issuance, and published in the official newspaper.

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