"Ammar Al Nuaimi launches " the survey of the income and expenditure of families in the Emirate of Ajman Project".


General News

His Highness Sheikh Ammar bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman and Chairman of the Executive Council, launched a project to survey the income and expenditure of families in the Emirate of Ajman, implemented by the Ajman Statistics Center.
This came during a meeting in the Ruler's Court (Diwan) ,where His Highness listened to a comprehensive explanation of the project from Her Excellency Dr. Hajar Al- Hubaishi, Executive Director of the Center, and Ms. Hessa bin Zayed, the project manager.

The Crown Prince of Ajman emphasized that the survey is one of the important statistical surveys, being the largest and most comprehensive after the population census project, in terms of importance and providing statistics. This is because it provides information that enables decision-makers to develop policies and plans aimed at improving the standard of living, achieving stability, and prosperity for the society.

H.H. stated that statistics are important in the march of development due to their studies relevant to the local community and specialized reports on the families in the emirate, contributing to the formulation of social and economic policies, and launching initiatives that achieve family stability, benefiting individuals, community, and the emirate at the same time.

H.H. added that His Highness Sheikh Humaid bin Rashid Al Nuaimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Ajman, attaches utmost importance to providing a dignified life for thee Emirati and resident families. He emphasizes harnessing all resources to fulfill their aspirations, happiness, and quality of life, while also contributing to the prosperity of the emirate.

Dr. Hajar Al-Hubaishi, Executive Director of the Ajman Statistics Center (ASC), confirmed that the project targets Emirati and non-Emirati families in Ajman, as well as the regions of Masfout and Manama. She emphasized that it will be implemented with high quality to ensure the provision of accurate statistical data that contributes to proposing initiatives supporting the improvement of family life quality.

She said that the ASC will prepare specialized reports and studies based on the survey outcomes, as it provides economic and social databases showing the status of family income, expenditure patterns, social and economic conditions of various segments of the society, in addition to measuring the level of welfare and quality of life in the emirate.

She added that the goal of conducting a survey on household income and expenditure is to study the social and economic levels of the Emirati and expatriate families in the emirate, measure the community's welfare level, understand the impact of demographic, social, and economic factors on families, estimate the average income and expenditure per family and individual annually, update the basket of goods used in calculating inflation, in addition to improving living conditions, meeting the needs of citizens, and identifying the necessary data to study the living standards as a basis for social aids programs.

Dr. Al–Hubaishi explained that the aim of conducting the survey is to provide accurate data on the demographic, social, and economic characteristics of the community individuals and components , including gender , age , nationality , academic level , marital status , the relationship to the manpower , occupation , economic activity , employment history …etc , then connecting such characteristics with the income and expenditure rates of families to update the base years for statistical indicators such as inflation rates due to the periodic nature of the survey's implementation over five years, provide seasonal coverage for family income and expenditure rates, extract many indicators such as determining the basket of goods and services, consumer price indices, cost of living indices, social and economic welfare indices, determine the self-sufficiency line for families, and prepare their food budget to help assess the level and trends of economic welfare.

She stressed that all data provided by families will be treated with complete confidentiality and will only be used for statistical and planning purposes, noting that the success of the survey depends largely on the extent of cooperation and collaboration of families with field researchers.

On the other hand , Ms. Hessa bin Zayed, the project manager, stated that the survey work started with preparation and coordination for visits earlier this year, and contacting families to familiarize them with the importance and objectives of the survey and collect preliminary data. She explained that fieldwork will continue for 12 months to cover a sample of families across the emirate, representative and comprehensive of various areas and sectors in the emirate.

She noted the participation of a large number of researchers, field supervisors, and experienced auditors selected with precision, are trained, and qualified, with their experiences refined according to the best and accredited international practices and standards.

In conclusion, His Highness Sheikh Ammar bin Humaid Al Nuaimi expressed his thanks and appreciation to the team of employees at Ajman Statistics Center for their good efforts, dedication, and effective contribution to the completion of this important work, urging all Emirati and resident families in Ajman emirate to cooperate with the field researchers of Ajman Statistics Center who visit them to provide the required data and accurately answer the survey questions.

H.H. also urged the project supervisors and work team to exert more efforts to ensure its success, and to point out its significant importance to families, explaining the resulting initiatives that enhance their cohesion and interconnection on the social and economic levels.

Hamid bin Rashid issues a decree and an emirate decision regarding the Ajman Statistics Center and appoints a general manager for it

His Highness Sheikh Hamid bin Rashid Al-Naeemi, Member of the Supreme Council Governor of Ajman issued an amendment to the Amiri Decree No. (8) of 2022 concerning the Ajman Statistics Center, and his Highness issued the decision of the Ameriya to appoint the General Director of the Ajman Statistical Center. And the text of American Decree No. (7) of 2024 amending American Decree No (8) of 2022 concerning the Ajman Statistical Center: The so-called "Executive Director" shall be replaced by "Manager General" in American Decree No. (8) of 2022, and in any legislation. As a text should be replaced by the text of Article (6) of Principal Decree No. (8) 2022 the following text: "The Center shall have a general manager appointed by the decision of the Amiri issued by the Governor, and a sufficient number of technical and administrative staff shall be deployed and organized all their work affairs in accordance with the human resources laws in force in the Government of the Emirate." The decree annulled any text written in any other legislation that contradicts the provisions of this decree, that this decree should be made from the date of its publication, and published in the official newspaper. His Highness Sheikh Hamid bin Rashid Al-Naeemi issued Amiri Decision No. (10) for the year 2024 appointing Dr. Hajar Saeed Hamid Hamid Al-Habishi as General Director of Ajman Statistics Center, this decision is taken from the date of its issuance, and published in the official newspaper.

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